Tuesday, 24 June 2008


Tripped coming out of the trough and landed in the Slough of Despond. This pilgrim is making very little progress just now.

C has jacked in both his jobs and I am not speaking to him. K, on the other hand, has just paid the £1500 she saved to pay for her Thai trip.

Boss ohas me making an email flyer-type thing announcing the next publication, which is good news tho'

Anyone wanna come round and wait on me hand and foot in a tu-tu?


Anonymous said...

Sorry bout the despondency, cannot make it around sweetie but if you need instructions to make your own, see here:


James said...

You're s'posed to make a witty remark about Pilgrim's Progress. It's the other book I've read. Gave me a bunion.

But C is a serious fear. If he follows in my footsteps, he's fucked. I managed to avoid getting kicked senseless but I made plenty of hospital trips.

Mel said...

I love you. my boss hates you. :) AWESOME WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where is my phone call?

James said...

You should have started with the tu tu. Men retreat into caves, remember?

Mel said...

This frustration is most likely caused by a lack of recent sexual intercourse, and may be magnified if the sufferer has a new object of affection. Specific signals include peeling labels off of beer bottles, chewing ice cubes and insisting that female friends wait on them wearing Tu Tu's!!