Monday, 2 June 2008


My son (lives with my ex) got his head kicked in on the weekend, by a gang of 20 chavs when he tried to stop them attacking his pal. Paramedics were called and he was ambulanced to hospital, but he's OK. He'd been kicked and stamped on repeatedly about the head and knocked unconscious. He couldn't see for a while. 4 1/2 hours wait in casualty.

He's sore today! and it's his birthday! I'm not included in any birthday celebrations. Sniff.


Mel said...

I hope something can be done about those little f*ckers. That just pisses me off!! I feel so badly for your son!!

C ya later!!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, I hate bullies.

James said...

I think I've done enough for one day...

catch up later

need hugs

Mel said...

Virtual Hugs

James said...

It works!

Need £1000,000, a snog and lots of highly erotic sex

Mel said...


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Anonymous said...

Thankyou Mel, I'll take that as a complement.